Lambeth Landmark Photo Archive Search Help

Lambeth Landmark Photo Archive Search Help

Searching the Lambeth Landmark photograph collection

Use the search fields below to search the collection. Each of the fields allows you to search in slightly different ways:

Place: browse particular areas of the borough.
Subject: search for different topics (e.g. Entertainment or Shops).
Date: narrow down the period of time you search across.
People: find images of local personalities.Title/Description: make free-text searches on image captions or headings, e.g. by street or building name
Collections: lists individual collections at Lambeth Archives, e.g. from a particular photographer, donor or collection
Type of Image: search by media type e.g. photograph or engraving.

Postcode search: overrides all others and displays a map with that postcode at the centre and dots showing all images within a one mile radius of that point.

Image ID: use if you know the exact reference number for the image you are looking for.

Multiple search terms will make your search more precise and generate less hits: picking Kennington will find all images of the area; picking Kennington and churches will find churches in Kennington.

When you press ‘Search’ the results will display as thumbnails; clicking on a thumbnail will enlarge the image and give the full caption.

If you return to the search page your original search will still be in place. The ‘clear search’ button will re-set the page to a blank search.